Antigua and Barbuda to host CTU’s ICT Week and Symposium

The rapid pace of innovation in information and communication technologies (ICT) is impacting every aspect of Caribbean life. There is a clarion call for the region to keep abreast with and understand the potential of these new and revolutionary technologies to overcome the challenges faced by the Caribbean and to drive meconomic growth.

It is imperative that Caribbean leaders consider the opportunities presented by the ICT revolution and adopt the technologies that can transform all sectors and promote social and economic development.

Against this backdrop, the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, in collaboration with the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU), will be hosting the ICT Week and Symposium at the Sandals Grande Resort and Spa from March 20-24, 2017.  Ms. Bernadette Lewis, the Secretary General of the CTU noted that the theme for the Symposium is “ICT: Driving 21st Century Intelligent Services.” She explained the purpose of the Week’s activities as being “to raise awareness of the ICT revolution, the implications for policy, legislation and regulations and how they can be employed to transform existing operations; to foster social inclusion; provide ICT-based the challenges we face in the region and promote national and regional development.”

Ugens aktiviteter omfatter en række IKT-begivenheder, som omfatter en Smart Caribbean-konference, 15. Caribbean Ministerial Strategic ICT-seminar, 3. Caribbean Stakeholders Meeting: Cybersikkerhed og Cyber-kriminalitet og kulminerer med uddannelsesprogrammet om mobile penge til finansiel inklusion.

På Smart Caribbean Conference vil Huawei, platinsponsoren for ICT Week, præsentere, hvordan ny IKT såsom cloud computing, virtualisering, Big Data, Geographic Information System (GIS), Internet of Things (IoT) og økosystemets softwareudvikling Kit (eSDK) kan bruges til at skabe omfattende, end-to-end Smart Caribbean-løsninger. Løsningerne omfatter den sikre by, intelligente bydriftscentre, one-stop offentlige tjenester, smart transport og applikationer til sundhedspleje, uddannelse og turisme.

Det 15. caribiske ministerielle strategiske IKT-seminar vil fokusere på anvendelsen af ​​IKT i sektoren for finansielle tjenesteydelser og vil udforske nye måder at levere sikre finansielle tjenester til alle borgere på; brugen af ​​kryptovalutaer; cybersikkerhed og innovative måder at finansiere regionens IKT-udvikling på.

Det caribiske interessentmøde III: Cybersikkerhed og cyberkriminalitet vil lette drøftelser om etablering af passende foranstaltninger og ressourcer til implementering af den caribiske handlingsplan for cybersikkerhed og cyberkriminalitet.

Uddannelsesprogrammet om mobile penge til finansiel inklusion, faciliteret af GSMA, søger at give et dybtgående kig på mobile pengetjenester - hvordan de fungerer, de involverede interessenter og de regulatoriske aktører, såvel som kritiske spørgsmål såsom interoperabilitet på tværs af netværk .

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